Will I need to vacate the premises whilst you are doing the chemical treatment?

There is no requirement, but as a precaution, particularly if there is any chance that you may be pregnant, we suggest that you leave the property prior to chemical application. The chemicals are most dangerous when freshly applied and wet. Once dry (after approximately 2 hours) it is safe to let children and pets back into the house.

Are the chemicals you use safe or environmentally friendly?

Despite some companies claiming that their chemicals are ‘safe’ this is not the case. No chemicals are completely safe. However, we use several chemicals that are low in toxicity and are low odour. The chemicals we use are the top quality genuine products manufactured by International Companies and not generic, cheaper alternatives. The chemicals are most dangerous when newly applied and wet. Once dry (after approximately 2 hours) it is safe to let children and pets back into the house. The main danger is if the chemical is taken orally by young children or pets for example. The chemicals are extremely toxic to fish and birds so they need to be covered or ideally taken away from the house whilst the work is in progress. Plant life is not affected by the chemicals we use.

My child is asthmatic. Is it best to take him or her away while you spray?

As a sensible precaution we recommend yes, take any asthmatic children away from the house during the spraying/injecting process. After two hours the chemical should be dry so your child can return to the house.

How far in advance do we need to book?

In the busy summer months from October – April we normally require approximately 3-5 days’ notice.

Are your staff qualified?

Half Price Pest Control is registered with the Health Department under license number 1111. All of our technicians are fully qualified with at least 3 years’ experience and some considerably longer. We do not employ trainee technicians unlike some other companies.

Will the spray you use stain my carpets, soft furnishings or timber floors?

The sprays that we use are water based and do not leave stains. We actually spray the complete carpet when we do a pet bond spray which leaves no stains. A drying mark may sometimes be seen on tiles and timber floors but this will wipe off with a damp cloth.

What if I touch areas that have been sprayed?

Once the chemical has dried, the active constituent adheres to the surfaces and will not contaminate or harm you. Should you come into contact with any chemicals whilst they are still wet, we would recommend that you wash the affected part with soap and plenty of water as soon as possible.

Do you offer warranties on the work that you carry out?

We customarily offer 3 month warranties on most of our work – but please enquire about this when you make your booking.

How often should I get a Termite inspection?

The Australian standard AS 3660.2 2012 recommends that a termite inspection should be carried out at least once a year. Most people have home insurance and yet are unaware that termites do more damage than fires, floods, storms and earthquakes combined in Australia.You should also be aware that home insurance policies do not cover termite damage. Having a yearly inspection is actually good value and highly recommended.

What insurance is there for Termite Damage?

Insurance policies do not normally cover damage caused by Termites. However, if you refer to our web page entitled FMC Million Dollar Cover, you will see that we can organize insurance that does cover Termite Damage if you have a Barrier Treatment done by us and pay FMC’s modest premium.

Does Half Price Pest Control have insurance?

We have a comprehensive Public and Products Liability Insurance for ten million dollars and Professional Indemnity Insurance for $500,000 underwritten by Lloyds of London.

What is a Barrier/Exclusion Zone?

The termite treatment which we offer is also known as a chemical barrier or termite exclusion zone, which is effective around the outside perimeter of the house. Holes are drilled 200-300mm apart and liquid Termiticide is injected into these holes. Garden beds and soil areas are normally trenched down to the concrete slab foundation and the trench is flooded with Termiticide, then backfilled and the backfilled soil is also saturated with Termiticide. This is highly effective at keeping termites away from your home, however problems may still arise in relation to the construction of the house. For example, if cracks were to develop in the concrete slab or around plumbing or other service penetrations, then these cracks may also be possible termite entry points. Additionally tradesmen or even members of your own household may disturb the barrier by doing gardening, repairs to your reticulation or hot water service. Once the barrier is installed you will receive a Treatment Certificate and a diagram (mud map) showing the location of the installed termite exclusion zone and a 12 month free service period or warranty. The chemicals which we use in termite treatments are normally effective for a period of up to 8-10 years, depending upon which Termiticide is used.

Why do I need annual inspections when I have had a termite treatment/Barrier /Exclusion Zone done?

These inspections detect termite entry through possible cracks in the concrete and bridging of barriers and must be done annually to continue your 12 month’s free warranty, providing you have an annual inspection carried out by us each year, we are prepared to warrant our treatments for the full 10 year lifespan of the Termiticide and if termites were found in your house during the warranty period, then any treatments required would be carried out by us completely free of charge. If you do not have an Annual Inspection, then the warranty expires.

What methods of payment do you accept?

You can pay the technician with cash, cheque, or credit card on the day and he will give you a paid in full invoice. Alternatively, you can pay on line by electronic transfer. Our Bank details are on the invoice. 

How long do I have to pay my account?

We request payment within 14 days and state this on our invoices.

Can I pay by installments?

Yes. But please discuss with our Head Office prior to the commencement of the treatment.


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    0405 108 097

    Servicing North of the River Perth